Fundraising wholesale

5 Secrets to Kickstarting an Awesome Fundraiser Stall

Categories : Father's Day

Get the entire neighbourhood together and help build a stronger sense of community through the classic fundraiser. For both the young and the old, fundraising stalls are a perfect way to get to know everyone in the community and to contribute to a greater cause through the help of everyone.

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller

Through everybody’s small contribution and tiny efforts, fundraisers always get to create a huge impact especially when it comes to spreading awareness and establishing the community’s support. The collective effort of the sellers, buyers, organisers, and everyone who joins translates to a positive ripple effect in the community, which means there are no small players or minor roles as everybody’s contribution is important in achieving the common goal.

Before putting on your selling hat, here are a couple of tips we have rounded up to help make your fundraiser stall truly awesome. Get to attract more customers and sell more items while having a blast at the fundraiser with our helpful tips.


Get the word out as early as possible.

Once the date, time, and location has been confirmed, start to spread the details to as many people as possible. Utilise different channels such as community bulletin boards, Facebook pages and groups, and local organisations which may be interested. Post flyers and announcements at the local shops and cafes to have more people join in on the festivities. Make sure to have a clear schedule for the children and for the open public so everybody can have their own time.

All hands on deck.

It may be a simple stall but there is a lot to be done even before the fundraiser starts. Get as much help as you can possibly find to easily delegate assignments and break up difficult tasks between groups. From handing out flyers to organising the items to be sold, there is sure to be a job for everybody so don’t hesitate to get a lot of help, most especially from those who are more than happy to be a part of the activity.

Prep up with a Plan B.

Even with happy helpers and advanced preparation, there is no guarantee that nothing could go wrong when running a stall. Varying the prices of the merchandise and switching up items to better cater to customers of all ages are both effective tactics when it comes to fundraising. However, write up a couple of Plan B’s just in case funds are coming up low, like offering bundles on Fridays or holding a raffle. Be creatively prepared in case things don’t go as planned and don’t neglect the team’s suggestions that just might lead to the fundraiser’s success.

Awesome items equal awesome sales.

There is simply no shortcut to success because offering great products should lead to raising great funds. High-quality wholesale products at an affordable price make the perfect key to success when it comes to these fundraising stalls. Selling products of great value for a cause is simply rewarding as everybody gets to win. 

Here at Giftware Direct, we offer great wholesale fundraiser products that are not only affordable but are also easy to order in bulk. Our Father’s Day items are always a big hit in fundraisers, especially with the younger ones looking for fun and thoughtful father’s day gift ideas. With these awesome father’s day wholesale items, get to help raise a couple of hundred dollars for a cause and also make sure that dads get the perfect little gifts they deserve.

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